One of my weekend projects...Decoupage!

Don't you just love thrift store finds? Its so true that one person's junk is another person's treasure (even if it doesn't start off looking that way). I bought this cute little thing, I'm not sure if it was a trivet or just wall art, for $2 at the thrift store.

With a few coats of paint, scrapbooking paper and some decoupage. It ended up looking like this.

It turned out just the way I imagined! I thought it was too pretty to use as a trivet, so for now its hanging in our guest room.
happy DIYing! Alicia


  1. I love it! Very cute!! Just wanted you to know that I have tagged you in my blog so check it out!

  2. I love what you did... it turned out so elegant!

  3. This is really pretty! I want to decouppage too - did you just use watered down glue like other bloggers do?

  4. Thanks for answering my question, I'm going to pick some up at Michael's later :D

  5. lurve it!! I see similar stuff in the thrift stores and always apss 'em over!
