PVC Pipe Mirror

Mirror made out of PVC Pipe!
Happy Monday! Hope you all had a good restful weekend...ours was chilly and rainy and just plain out gross. Welcome spring!

So, of course that kept me indoors most of the weekend. Which was good because I was able to get a lot of stuff done! So I guess its a catch 22.

One of the projects I was finally able to complete has to do with a somethin' we call PVC pipe. We currently have bundles of them out in our backyard right now, trenches dug, some pipe already laid. Yes, it sounds like we are on top of things around here, but in reality, they have been sitting there since October or November when we were attempting to get our sprinkles done before the first snow fall. Obviously, that didn't happen.

So with all this extra pipe, I decided to put it to some good use.

(short disclaimer: I'm not recommending that you do what I am about to say, I think it was a little dangerous, but it worked for me. If you do do this, make sure you take all proper safety precautions)
Okay. Now that that's said.I took the pipe, marked every 1/2 inch, and sent it through my miter saw. In order to get the best cut and not have it ping and then shoot out flying across the room, it is best to go at a slow downward speed. Just trust me on this one. And on a more festive note, cutting about 80 of these babies will give you some good 'snow' to use for christmas decorations! I have piles and piles of white stuff all in my basement now. lol

You can also spraypaint the pipe whatever color you wish before doing the aforementioned process. I have some lime green pipe just waiting to be turned into something fabulous!

Now that you have all your cut pieces, lay them out into whatever desirable decor piece you would like.

Mirror made out of PVC Pipe!
It took me about a good hour or two to do this, making sure all the spacing was correct and what not. Making sure it was a circle and not some half circle-square thing. And yes, I'm a perfectionist so this was a tedious process.

And, as you will see soon, I changed the configuration of this quite a bit. My final piece looks nothing like this above piece.

Okay. So, once you have this all laid out. Start hot gluing them together. On my big piece, I started from the outside in. It just made more sense to do it that way. And as I was gluing, I made sure that pieces that had ink or marks on them were hidden beneath the glue so they wouldn't be so obvious when I was finished with the piece - and mainly because, I was lazy and didn't spraypaint or paint the pipe before hand to hide said marks. lol

Next, I took a mirror that I found in the craft department at hoblob and glued that baby on also.
Mirror made out of PVC Pipe!

Once all was said and done....and dried. I had to clean off the hanging plastic that was left from the cutting and all the little shards of plastic that not-so-mysteriously appeared (as you can see above).

Mirror made out of PVC Pipe!

And of course, I had to find a new place for these babies. And as always, I made more than I could use :)

But, I think they made there home quite nicely here in the entry way.
Mirror made out of PVC Pipe!

Mirror made out of PVC Pipe!

And just from another angle....in case you missed all the other pictures.

Mirror made out of PVC Pipe!

Not bad, eh? Just from a couple of extra pipes laying around. Now to get those darn sprinklers done!

In order to do this big one and two small ones, it took about half of one of those loooong..very long pipes. Just an fyi.
And another fyi: If you choose to use your miter saw, let it cool down a couple of times during the cuts. It will thank you. Or if you don't have a miter saw, and have a lot of time on your hands, you can cut these with a hack saw or even with pvc pipe cutters.

Well, now my house is welcoming spring....only if the weather with cooperate now also!

happy DIYing! Alicia


  1. WOW!! You are very patient! LOL They look fantastic!! I can't believe they are made from PVC. :)

  2. WOW! This is stunning. Who would have thought a use for pvc pipes. Great job. I am going to feature this on my creative catalog blog this week. All the best.

  3. Such an original and fabulous artwork!

  4. that's genius! they look perfect where you have them, and i love that you thought of this. genius and creative!

  5. Fantastic idea, they resemble doilies, very beautiful!

  6. Oh my goodness Alicia, what a great idea! Your mirrors look amazing! I love your unique idea!!

  7. This is insane! It's so ingenious!!! I LOVE it...steal! Thanks for the great idea!!!

  8. This is incredible! I love it! I'm going to share it on my FB page!

  9. That rocks! I just saw a show on HGTV and they made a coffee table, basically same as you, just put glass on top. So... you are right up there with the genius at HGTV.

    Have a great week!

  10. I am totally loving this whole sunburst mirror thing going around, and LOVING your idea with the PVC pipe! Very fresh and clean looking!


  11. I never ever would have thought of this! It looks wonderful!!!!! You rock!!! Have a great week!

  12. That is so AWESOME!!!!! I have to run out and get the stuff to make one pronto. Thanks for sharing such a cool project idea.

  13. SUPER cute and so so ingenious! I agree with someone up there...you have A LOT of patience. Did you paint it after you glued it? I can't remember if you did or not.

  14. Great minds think alike! I saw a mirror in Kirklands one day that had metal circles all around. I was thinking of what I could use to recreate the mirror and I thought of PVC pipe. I have yet to make mine but I am so glad I haven't because your design is so much better then the original. Thanks for helping me see that I should think outside the box a little more. There are tons of designs you could come up with! Great job!

  15. Great creativity.

  16. Lovely! If only I had the patience to do something like that! It looks like you spent alot of money on it too!

  17. Your mirror looks amazing! What a creative idea and so cute!

  18. Holy Cow! that turned out so amazing. I'm off to schedule it into the Tip Junkie decorate site. They are going to LOVE it.

    Laurie {Tip Junkie}

  19. This is great! I can imagine the time it must have taken you to cut them all. but it turned out fantastic!

  20. I was FLOORED seeing the final result! I did not think some PVC pipe could ever look that good! Amazing. Absolutely amazing.

  21. My parents used to cut PVC pipes for household projects every year, so I know what a mess you had to clean up. However, the end result of your mirrors was worth it. I love that you made something totally modern, yet unique out of something that is so ordinary.

  22. Wow, those are fantastic! I love the look of them. I can only imagine all the things you could do with them. Super cool idea.

  23. They look fabulous, great idea! Thanks for sharing.

  24. I just found your blog and am your newest follower. This project is FABULOUS!! Thank you so much for the amazing (and thrifty) inspiration.

  25. stunning, just stunning! i am so impressed with this project :) i would LOVE to have this design in my home. great work!!!!

  26. Oh my gosh I don't even have the words to say how much I love this project! It is so mod and fun. Great job

  27. Great job! I could probably get my dad to help me on something like that since he is a pro on PVC!! I am your newest follower from Made by You Monday!
    Hope you stop by www.bigsislilsislove.blogspot.com or www.decoronadollar.blogspot.com

  28. I really, really love this. Definitely bookmarking this project to save it for later! :)

  29. This really caught my eye! Great job!

  30. Wow! This is amazing! I would love to feature this on my blog if that is alright with you?


  31. Awesome idea and great tutorial on it!

  32. I love this- definitely need to try it! I wonder how hard it would be to paint inside all those circles- I'm thinking black would be very elegant, or a nice spring-y color. yum!

  33. I absolutely adore this mirror! So clever! I included this project on my weekly Wednesday's Wowzers:


    Thanks for inspiring!

  34. Wow! Fantastic! I like this SO much more than all the wood mirrors I keep seeing! Definitely bookmarking this one!

  35. This is so cool! Now I know what to do with my hubby's pvc pipe laying on the side of the house...lol. Maybe even spray paint it silver and it would look like metal. You got me thinking!

  36. This is so, so, so cool!! I am totally going to try this. Found you on the 'whatever wednesdays' bloghop @ Someday crafts. Come on over to my blog and say hi sometime!

  37. Saw your feature on Someday Crafts. This is beautiful. I'm so glad I found your blog! I am a new follower.

  38. I LOVE THIS!! I just wish I had a saw so I could do one!! I also saw this on another blog and am now a follower!

  39. so cool. that is a great idea. i have a party going on if you'd like to share this. http://typeadecorating.blogspot.com/

  40. How cool it that! Yet another reason to run to Lowes this weekend!

  41. This is brilliant....AGAIN! You keep coming up with such amazing ideas! I featured this somedaycrafts.blogspot.com

  42. such an awesome idea!!!!

  43. Totally and utterly awesome! I'm so going to make one of these for my living room! What size PVC did you use? 2 inch? It looks fairly large...

  44. Way to go! Such an original idea! I love it! What did you use to cut the PVC Pipe?

  45. What a clever idea!! Thanks for sharing! Would love for you to join my linky party.


  46. I can see I am one of MANY who loved this project--so creative, cheap and lovely! I posted this on my Friday Favorites today. If you want, you can come grab a featured button. Thanks for sharing this beautiful idea!

  47. Seriously amazing! Thanks for the great inspiration! I found you through Oopsey Daisy.

  48. WOW! I would've never guessed this was PVC. Nice work! Thanks for the inspiration.

  49. Wow! Who new the Home Depot was into haute decor ;) Thanks so much for sharing the tutorial!!

    ps - I'm your newest follower :)

  50. This turned out so beautiful. Ad it is so different from the others I have seen, including mine. Thanks for posting.

  51. This is truly amazing!!
    Shannon @ shannonandtonysclutteredcloset

  52. Oh Em Geee! Just when I think I've seen it all! You outdid yourself Alicia. This is BRILLIANT and totally looks AMAZING! I would love to have you share this at my VIP party today =) http://designergarden.blogspot.com/2011/03/vip-party-8.html

  53. This is the coolest project I've see in a while! You're a smart cookie! Glad I found your blog today!

  54. You've been featured. Please stop by, check it out, and grab a button :)

  55. Hi Alicia, I really enjoyed this project and the post http://www.thriftyandchic.com/2011/01/happy-new-year.html. I'd love to share these two projects on my blog. Putting the two link to yours. I would like your permission to use some images. My email and my blog is vivifa@gmail.com

  56. I love how these mirrors turned out...great idea!

  57. Great repurposing of materials, with such a chic & modern result! Visiting from Centsational Girl.


  58. Hey there! I'm showing you off at Crafts & Sutch today! Pop on over to take a peek and grab a Sutch an Inspiration button! :)


  59. So cool! Very creative, I love it. Well done!

  60. You did absolutely great.
    Come link it up at our DIY CRAFT TUTORIAL LINKY PARTY on our blog, http://www.finecraftguild.com/diy-craft-tutorials-party-32/

  61. This is so fantastic! I featured this as well as your Ballard mirrors on my Fun Finds Friday today, so feel free to stop by and grab a Featured button!


  62. Precioso y muy elegante, vanguardista y lo mejor se confecciona con bajo costo y mucha paciencia, te felicito y gracias por compartirlo, trataré de elaborarlo en color negro, ya me lo imagino, genial.

  63. WOW and Hello from Malaysia. Your new follower PC

  64. Brilliant! this looks fantastic!

  65. So creative! How ever did you come up with this?

  66. After months of delay..finally get this project done...in my way! hehe... see my copy cat version at http://meijosjoy.blogspot.com/2011/07/do-you-ever.html

  67. This is fabulous! Love the way it turned out! Thank you for linking to Handy Man, Crafty Woman Wicked Awesome Wednesday!

  68. Wow! impressive.
    I love it. White, simple...pretty!


  69. This is such a great idea....i d love to make something like this..m gonna feature it on my page

  70. Stunning. Just stunning. I LOVE it!
    And...feel free to stop by my blog. I'd love to have you "visit".
    Fondly, Tami

  71. The decorations are great and beautiful. It looks like PVC pipes were made for decoration purpose. Great idea.

  72. This is a great idea and very creative. It looks like PVC pipe was made for decoration purpose.

  73. It seems like nobody using pvc pipe for plumbing anymore, LOL

  74. I love this and I featured it on my blog today...

    Somebody else linked it up to my party and thanks to Two Shades of Pink I learned that the project belonged to you.

    So I gave you the credit ;)

    The end of the story: THIS LOOKS AWESOME!

  75. everything here are all gorgeous! can't help it, I adore all your creations.

  76. I am really inspired of what you have just discussde above. I'd love add more and more knowledge and keep browsing in future as well so i could learn more.

  77. What size pipe did you use? I was looking at PVC Pipe today and couldn't decide if 2 inch width was too large. Seems you got the pieces to fit together perfectly!


  78. This is AMAZING!! You are so creative!! Way to go! Love how it turned out!! SO fun!

  79. I really loved reading your blog. It was very well authored and easy to understand. Unlike additional blogs I have read which are really not that good .No doubt it's really a great article and I felt really great going through your blog post. Great to read more articles from your side.

  80. I really loved reading your blog. It was very well authored and easy to understand. Unlike additional blogs I have read which are really not that good .No doubt it's really a great article and I felt really great going through your blog post. Great to read more articles from your side.

  81. I loved this idea so much that i tried to do it at home, but when i went to hang it it fell apart. i used hot glue but maybe not enough? how did you get yours to stick together so well?

  82. This is an awesome idea! I love it, great job.

  83. I wanted you to know that I did this project last week. I of course gave you all the credit. http://raisinglittledisciples.blogspot.com/2012/04/cross-made-from-pvc-pipe.html

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  85. Just beautiful!!!
    What kind of glue did you use to stick all the pieces together as well as the mirror? I want to make sure it's not a single piece is going to detach when I hang them on my wall. Thank you so much for the inspiration!!

  86. Brilliant! I'm gonna try this at my home :)


  87. Not sure if you're aware but this page can't be pinned because it is said to be spam or have inappropriate content. I really love the project and hope to put cutting PVC pipe on my "honey do list"

  88. I am thoroughly convinced in this said post. I am currently searching for ways in which I could enhance my knowledge in this said topic you have posted here. It does help me a lot knowing that you have shared this information here freely. I love the way the people here interact and shared their opinions too. I would love to track your future posts pertaining to the said topic we are able to read.

  89. FYI, Use Acetone, a rag, and rubber gloves outside to remove the ink writing on the side of the pvc before cutting it. Be sure to use gloves, your skin will absorb acetone.

  90. Very well said. These tips are really amazing. I appreciate it for sharing them.

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  93. Awesome... its really very creative.

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  96. Luv this idea.... however, what would you think about adding some rope, braid, or some other type trim around the mirror for a more finished look?

  97. What is the diameter of the pipe?

  98. Thanks for the idea... I am gonna make me a king size head board with the same idea....I was gonna make me a head board from Lattice, but I like this better....thanks again..thelma

  99. PVC plumbing tool is resistant to many reagents such as sulfuric acid and caustic soda, and also resists abrasion.

  100. This is really nice do it yourself project. Making a decorative mirror using PVC pipes. Thanks for sharing this awesome idea with us.

  101. really awesome work.. really inspired me :) thanks for sharing :)

  102. Always so interesting to visit your site.What a great info, thank you for sharing. this will help me so much in my learning... luchtreiniger

  103. Great Work!!! planning to go this but I don't have mitter saw what would be the replacement for this?

  104. Awesome job!This is very impressive. I love the color and like that it’s unique.

  105. Wow!Looks great to see :) I love the design and set up.Will definitely try it out..

  106. Fantastic idea, they resemble doilies, very beautiful! Have a great week!

  107. What kind of glue did you use to stick all the pieces together as well as the mirror? I want to make sure it's not a single piece is going to detach when I hang them on my wall. Thank you so much for the inspiration!!
