White Spring Mantel and Bookshelves

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First off, thank you all for your overwhelming response to my last post! I'm sooo glad I'm not the only doing this and I have actually received a ton of good tips that I'm definitely going to have to start using when I'm trying to clean my house in a rush :)  You all are amazing!

White Spring Mantel
I am sooo ready to get out gross weather and into beautiful sunny weather. It's been tricking me a lot lately, it looks so welcoming and beautiful outside and then I step out into 30 or 40 degrees. Boo :( Well, with Spring just a few days away I figure it's time to show you my Spring mantel...although, I admit, it has been up since like January. I really hate winter lol.
White Spring Mantel
I decided to go with an all white mantel...shocker. I know :) Well, I did add some brown and cream, so at least it has some contrast lol. I've been doing the same mantel for the past two or so years during spring and decided to change it up a bit. Sometimes you get in a style rut and just throw up what's easy and what's easy is usually something you already thought through and liked the previous years.
Here was last years mantel (you can tell I used a lot of the same concepts...not much thinking here lol)
coastal mantel decor

I'm so glad this new mantel came together easily. Just one stop to the store and it was done. I got all the ceramics from Michaels. I used to go there all the time, but haven't for forever. I forget what great deals they have on stuff, especially if you use their coupons :) I think the total cost for these 4 pieces was about $10. Right up my alley :)
White Spring Mantel
And this sunburst mirror was made years and years ago from some poster board.

I had to keep a little bit of 'coastal' in the mantel since it reminds me so much of Spring and Summer so I kept the nautical rope knot and lantern.
White Spring Mantel
I also gave my bookshelves a little lift. If you remember from my Christmas post, I decided to try something and line these with a ton of books. I liked the look, but not for me. So, down they all went, and a lighter variety of items went back up.
White Spring Mantel
I promise one of these days I'll decorate with color. But this is my style and I love it :) So, until I find something that I really like to replace it, this is how it goes! ...(I wish the hubs would finally understand this too lol)
happy DIYing! Alicia


  1. It's so light and welcoming and I hear ya about the hubs!

  2. So bright and pretty. I love the soft white and creams, gorgeous.

  3. This is wonderful :) This looks fantastic ideas ^^

  4. I'm a big fan of white - your mantel looks crisp and spring like!

  5. Love the way you have decorated your mantel.
