My Literal Fall Mantel

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I may or may not be the last person to decorate their mantel for Fall :) I usually do this type of thing in August, yet here it is October. But, if you think about it, I'll be leaving this up until Thanksgiving. So, it'll get its fair use, almost two months worth. I wanted to do something a little different this year than what I did last year, so of course, that took some time thinking :)
Fall mantel decorating ideas
 I kept it pretty simple as far as decor on the mantel since the real focal point was the "FALL". The letters were just printed out on my printer and then placed in some old Ikea frames I had laying around.
Fall mantel decorating ideas
 So, when I was thinking about this mantel, I was thinking that it would be fun to add a nautical touch to the whole Fall scheme. I ended up not doing what I had planned, but the hubs came in and looked at the mantel and said he couldn't tell if it was suppose to be a Fall, nautical or Halloween mantel. So, I guess I got three things in one without meaning too :) I know the nautical factor was brought it from the rope vase and jute bottle. I threw the dollar store pumpkins I painted white and added some jute twirly stems to from a couple of years ago into the vase. I love the look of this. I contemplated adding some orange pumpkins in here, but decided I really liked the look of the white and jute. Figures, right? lol
Fall mantel decorating ideas
 This owl was a Michaels find for a couple of bucks that I spray painted gold. I love how owls are an 'in' thing now. I remember growing up and my mom collected owls. I mean, they were everywhere, hanging in every corner of our house. Bringing the owls into my home just reminds me a bit of her every time I look at them :)
Fall mantel decorating ideas
 So, there you have quite literal Fall mantel :)
Fall mantel decorating ideas
Now to figure out how to incorporate some Halloween decor in this in a few weeks :)
happy DIYing! Alicia


  1. Love the Fall, and your mantel looks amazing. I really love your vignettes on the bookshelves too.

  2. I love the clean look. Did you already have four nails/hooks put in above your fireplace? I sometimes hesitate to try a new/seasonal look because it might require messing up the walls! I started collecting owls a few years ago just as they started to become popular. I got them all at Goodwill, and love each of them. So nice they make you think of your mom:)

    1. I always hesitate to add more holes, but realized that I had to just get over it lol. Nothing that a little spackle and paint can't fix :) I really love owls. My mom got rid of most of hers just a few years ago and I really wish I jumped on the chance to take them home.

  3. Love it! Such a great FALL mantel! Thanks for the inspiration.
    House on the Way

  4. wow, this fall mantel all is beautiful ...
    where can buy it ? any information ??

  5. Beautiful room!!! Where is your couch / ottoman from?
