Mirror Painting Card Hack

This post may contain affiliat links. 

I'm all for hacks and making life a little bit easier! I've been wanting to paint the mirror in my bedroom for quite some time now. I was deciding between a rub n' buff gold or spray paint it white. Then I came across this cool mirror painting hack and had to try it! I only had white spray paint on hand, so the choice of color was made for me :) Here's how it looks now:

Here how it looked before. I actually got this mirror from Hobby Lobby for about $100 two or so years ago. The black worked in my decor at the time, but ever since, it has felt out of place. Now with the updates happening in my bedroom, I figured it was a good time to update this mirror as well.
Let's get to the hack: using playing cards. Yep, I saw this and wondered how it would work. I was definitly a little skeptical once I started laying the cards down. I realized pretty quickly that in order for the paint to not get onto the mirror, I needed them to overlap quite a bit, and to tuck them in as far as I could between the frame and the mirror. In some places, that didn't work. The frame was tight to the mirror that not even a card to could fit. So, I took my chances.
I gotta say though, this worked spendidly well along the rounded edge. If you had a circular mirror, this is a definitely a great hack. 
I then added painter's tape to secure the cards down.
But then I was left with the middle showing...so I had to find some paper to add to the middle. I thought this was like two times the work at this point compared to normal. Usually I would just skip the cards, do the tape and the middle. But....the tape is usually a pain on the rounded part...so that was actually pretty nice not having to deal with that. If this was just a square mirror, I would probably opt to just do the tape and no cards.
Next I spraypainted it with white enamal spray paint. 
It looked good....now to see if the cards actually worked! 

And they totally did! It turned out great! So, here are my thoughts if you want to use this method:
  • Make sure the cards are overlapping
  • Secure into frame if possible
  • Works best of rounded frames
  • If just a straight framed mirror, opted for tape only.

What do you think? Think you'll try this on your next project? 

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happy DIYing! Alicia